Online Sales Training

If you’re a Queensland Small Business, you should be excited to hear about this new business grant where you could get up to $5000 to spend on digital training for your business.

The Palaszczuk Government has just launched Queensland Small Business Month with three new grants programs that will be worth $25 million over two years – meaning that Queensland is the place to be right now for small business.

On Monday May 31 2021, applications will open for the Business Basics Grants program, which provides support to businesses to increase core skills and adopt best practices.

Is My Business Eligible?

There is a short list of criteria for this grant, so if you tick all these boxes you should be eligible to apply:

  • have fewer than 20 employees at the time of applying for the grant
  • have an active Australian Business Number (ABN) and be registered for GST
  • have a Queensland headquarters
  • have a turnover of $300,000 or less for the current financial year
  • not be insolvent or have owners/directors that are an undischarged bankrupt.

What Can I Do With The Grant Money?

The applications of this grant are somewhat broad, but in simple terms, the purpose of the grant is to be used on digital applications that will help further your business.

While there are five categories for intended use, here at SWISH Sales Coaching, we only want to focus on one – training and coaching.

If you’ve been putting off getting yourself or your team ethical, virtual sales coaching or sales training, take advantage of this grant to put that in motion and start doing better business.

What Other Information Do I Need In My Application For The Best Chance Of Getting The Grant?

As well as meeting the official criteria, there are a few other things you’ll need with your application – the first, and most important, being a quote from the intended supplier of the services you wish to use the grant money on.Β 

There is an example application on the Queensland Government website that you can go through in advance and make sure that you have all the necessary information ahead of the 31 May opening deadline. We’re also hosting three SWISH Business Basics Grant Application Assistance LIVE Zoom Sessions from next Monday to make the process easy and ensure your application has the best chance of consideration.Β 

Our Founder & CEO Ryan Tuckwood will host these sessions and will walk you through the application process.

How Do I Apply For The Business Basics Grant?

To apply for the grant, you simply need to complete the online application form, attach the supporting documents, and submit. It’s that easy.

There’s no reason not to take advantage of this grant and take the opportunity to improve yourself, or your team in order to do better business throughout 2021 and beyond. If you would like to use the services of SWISH Sales Coaching for your application, simply reach out via email or phone to ensure you have this quote prior to the application date. If you want to take part in one of our SWISH Business Basics Grant Application Assistance LIVE Zoom Sessions, you will also need to have your quote ahead of joining the session.

For more information about the grant, make sure you head to the Queensland Government website, and for more information about how we at SWISH can provide you with the best, ethical sales training, get in touch with us today.

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