Ryan Tuckwood LIVE | MAY 28/29/30 - 6pm - 730pm AEST

Australia’s No1 Sales Coach, and Shark Tank AU victor Ryan Tuckwood presents:

the SWISH 3-Day Sales Challenge (FREE)

Psychology | Process | execution
Remove friction, Stay in Control, Convert like never before!


FREE Event –Β No Catch, Just Results

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Tues 28th May 6pm -730pm AEST
Weds 29th May 6pm - 730pm AEST
Thurs 30th May 6pm - 730pm AEST


VIRTUALLY via Zoom -
Cameras on, it will be interactive, NOT a lecture.
Zoom link to be provided upon registration

What You'll Learn On

The SWISH 3-Day Sales Challenge?

LIVE & Interactive, Daily Challenges, A Lifetime Of Results

The SWISH method

Understand The 3-Part SWISH Method. The human-behaviour based, sales methodology taking the world by storm for over a decade!

SWISH - Selling With Integrity, Selling Honestly

Ryan will show you how to be authentically yourself, without the need to lie, bully or manipulate.

Remove Common Sales Mistakes

Recognise the 10 most common sales mistakes that are KILLING YOUR DEALS!

Language That Converts

Poor sales language is the 1% unconscious mistake that 99% of sales people make. Find our what & NOT to say.

Remove Objections

After 14yrs in the world of sales & business, Ryan has mastered the art of pre-empting and ultimately, removing objections before they arise. He'll show you how through something called Rapport Threading.

Connection, Over Commission

Understand the power of β€˜permission-based selling’ V old school β€˜interruption based selling’, and how that creates a connection like no other.

Read ANYONE In Just 30 Seconds

We are NOT all the same. We do NOT all buy on emotion and justify on logic!! Ryan will show you the simple way to read ANY prospect, or human in general, in just 30secs.

How To Unlock The Truth

Ryan will share simply language patterns, that lower sales defences, whilst building buyers acceptance, ensuring you gather the right information to truly present to their needs.

The Sales Structure Responsible for $1Billions in Increased Revenue

Ryan will share our 10-Step Negotiation Ladder, that has been implemented by over 14,500 businesses & individuals since 2014


After 10yrs in business, we certainly know by now that you like PRIZES

  • As such, we will be giving away $1,000s of dollars worth of prizes each day…many, just for turning up
  • There will be challenges AFTER each session and prizes will be given for those truly committed. 

rare opportunity to gain access
to ryan tuckwood, for FREE!!!
(valued at almost $6,000!!!)

When we last ran this Sales Challenge, attendees all around the world, in every industry, of all experience levels, were doubling their sales, closing larger deals, removing objections, and smashing their comms from day 1!!!

6:00PM - 7:30PM AEST

Sales Psychology

The ability to adapt, adjust, and respond to all prospects, WITHOUT being someone you’re not is what separated the great from the masters!

  • This day will be about consumer behaviors, why they act and feel certain ways, and how to instantly recognize the persona, to understand how they buy.
  • Ryan will challenge you at the end of the session and remember, action = prizes!!!
6:00PM - 7:30PM AEST

Sales Process

Right questions, wrong order? = NO SALE

Right order, wrong questions? = NO SALE

Right questions, right order, wrong tone? = NO SALE

After almost a decade as an engineer, Ryan put those skills to action in the world of sales, recognizing after many failures that he needed to treat sales like engineering – A PROCESS!!

The order in which you do, say, deliver, will directly impact the value the prospect sees, hears, and feels.

  • During this session, Ryan will share with you the EXACT order in which we need to do things, to maximise every interaction.
Of course, he’ll finish off by setting a challenge and offering prizes!!!
6:00PM - 7:30PM AEST

Sales Execution

You have to actually be able to do it…

This is all about the delivery.

  • Tone, pace, timing…..pauses, s-stutters, Ryan will cover it all!!!
Oh, and don’t forget more PRIZES!!!!


Meet your coacH & swish founder

Ryan Tuckwood

After over a decade in the world of sales, Ryan now dedicates his life to showing sales professionals, entrepreneurs & business owners a more ethical, authentic, and relationship-driven approach to selling called SWISH.
Selling With Integrity & Selling Honestly.

As a proud father of 2 boys, Maverick & Foxx, multiple business owners, advisors, investors, and speakers, his passion is helping anyone looking to understand how to communicate the value of what they offer more effectively, efficiently, and with integrity.

After 8 years as an engineer back in the UK before moving to Australia as a backpacker in 2010, he, quite frankly was failing as a sales professional.
Finding his crisis point whilst sleeping on a bathroom floor with just 31 cents to his name, it was time to figure things out or go home.
He became fanatically obsessed with everything from sales, body language, behavioral science, emotional intelligence, NLP, or simply anything based on the psychology of what inspires human beings to take action.

Through experience, good and bad, plus the findings of these studies, SWISH was formed in 2014 as a revolutionary sales methodology designed to have relationships at the center of sales processes.

Alongside his company, SWISH Sales Coaching, he has now coached over 14,500 clients globally, across all industries, including B2B, B2C, Government, NFP, and more, building out sales processes, coaching sales teams and leaders, to refine, define and maximize their sales approach.

In 2018 alongside ex-business partner, Jack Corbett, Ryan was successful on the TV show Shark Tank Australia, securing investment from Dr Glen Richards, Steve Baxter & Andrew Banks, who are still with the business to this day, with Ryan now coaching many of their portfolio of companies. With their guidance, Ryan created what is widely known as the world’s best practice, online sales training, The SWISH Academy.

With a keen eye for fashion, and owning his own made-to-measure menswear label, he’s known to wear a crazy suit from time to time, loves football (soccer – Leicester City), and most importantly, he’s a besotted father to his boys.

In April 2021, Ryan was truly humbled & honored to be awarded the prestigious Distinguished Talent Visa as part of the Australian government’s Global Talent Program, providing him with permanent residency in this fantastic country.

Proven results for a decade!!!

But, don't take our word for it..

What are you waiting for?

It’s FREE, available from the comfort of your own home and proven for a decade….

Register NOW!!!

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